Friday, February 04, 2005

Fairweather football fan bows down before the establishment

We had a "tailgate" at work today to celebrate the Eagle's march to the super bowl this weekend, meaning tons of free pizza and soda. Everyone has authentic Eagles jersies today, or at least t-shirts. I'm wearing one of my favorite green sweaters with white stripes, figuring the colors were Eagles enough for me to pass.

They weren't. I got numerous complaints of "oh, that's not Eagles-green." The Eagles have their own color. Before the "tailgate" in the company kitchen, I was the first one there because well I was hungry, and as I was leaving the CEO/deity of my company, Mr. Hampshire of Hampshire Homebuilders was walking in. An older man, everyone talks about him as if he is a god and they refer to him by his last name prefaced with a mister. I've never thought anything much of his authority, maybe cause I've only worked here a few months, or maybe because his family has owned the company for 75 years or whatever and he's not self made.

Regardless, he made a comment on the pizza I was holding as he passed me, something along the lines of 'Oh that looks good.' And then I stumbled over a few things I was trying to say, but managed to spew out something like 'yes!' I was mad that this guy who's really no different than anyone else let his authority fuck me up, similar to how the CFO (different guy) from two blogs ago caused me to feel awkward from eye contact, but at least it was mutual that time.

Oh, I just reached for a cup that I thought had my sprite in it, took a big sip and found out it was water. My sprite's in the other cup. It's such a weird sensation to taste something you're not expecting...oh wait I'm starting to get boring, I'll go now.


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