I don't like Eugene Levy
This new movie "The Man" looks pretty crappy. It's Eugene Levy being his usual character and Samuel L. Jackson being his usual character. You can expect some 'black culture meets white culture' humor including the stadard car ride/radio fight scene.
You know this scene very well. The white person tries to listen to white music and the black person gets mad and changes to an R&B song. Think White Men Can't Jump, Rush Hour, and the recent Guess Who with Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mac. The 'black meets white' plot is about as played out as the 'man has to dress like a woman and no one seems to realize it's really a guy' plot (Tootsie, Mrs. Doubtfire, Big Mama's House, Juwana Man, Sorority Boys, White Chicks).
Back to Eugene Levy. He's what I call the anti-character actor. A character actor of course is an actor who can play many different roles. Euguene Levy plays the same guy every time. He's the un-hip tries-too-hard-to-be-cool jewish guy with glasses and a suit. Maybe he played a different character once or twice, but that's definitely the exception rather than the rule.
The same can be said for Samuel L's 'badass' character, although I don't mind as much for him because he's still pretty cool. There are many others. Robert DiNero and Vin Diesel, although occassionally taking other roles are always the impossibly tough hardass. Adam Sandler was always the same character in the 90s (kinda dumb but angry/violent and tough) but he's made a push recently to try to do other roles so I'll give him credit for that. Sandra Bullock is always an annoying overly sarcastic bitch. Ben Stiller is like a younger Eugene Levy, the un-hip tries to be cool jew for the most part, but his movies are still good for the most part. Will Farrell is kinda always the same too but still funny. While I'm in that circle of friend-actors I'll have to include Vince Vaugn as always being the same.
Who else?
you know who's always the same? that girl from ten things I hate about you (blanking on her name right now). She is always that feminist bitch type that I hate. that "i'm too good for you" attitude. she sickens me.
Julia styles is her name...
Nice update
You can't write a book about slacking at work when you don't update your blog at work it is essential. I Guess I can give you a pass b/c of the sports journalist site, but I still would like a bit of randomness thrown in on this one.
I think that you should give the world an update entry since you moved into your new place and all. Come on, things have to be a little easier now.
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