Friday, February 11, 2005

Sound like someone's got a case of the Mondays

My boss is on vacation today and Monday. This means several things:

1. I haven't shaven yesterday or today, and I won't shave for Monday.
2. I have accomplished and will continue to accomplish nothing work related.
3. Lunch hour has become the lunch two hours.
4. I get easily distracted by the internet, even moreso than on the average day.
5. The other people give me dirty looks when they see me pretty much laying down in my chair with one outstretched arm clutching the mouse.

I am getting closer to becoming Peter Gibbons. Once you've tasted this, you can't go back.


At 8:42 PM, Blogger infiorno said...

Seriously, Office Space is playing on Bravo right now. What a coinkydink!


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