Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Positive Thoughts

Though I haven't blogged in a while, a lot of my past ones were rants/angry. This has a place in the world, but it would probably be a good idea to have some constructive blogs. Lately I've been reading a lot of 'feel good' stuff and it would probably be a good idea to document some of it to 1) help me collect my thoughts and 2) have a record to look back on and keep me accountable.

Finding a mentor in business is not an easy thing to do, especially when any mentor you find would likely be a competitor. One thing I got out of Think and Grow Rich was the importance of not only having a support group around you (Master Mind group) but also to have a group of advisors, alive or dead, to look up to. These "advisors" are people you admire, research, and imitate. Some people I thought would be good to emulate were Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, Caesar (reaching far back), Einstein, and several others. Each person in my little group are there for a particular strength or characteristic.

Real Estate
My "Master Mind" group has been a pretty good help lately. There are five of us in the group and we have a phone conference every one or two weeks. Half the meeting we focus on one person designated to be the central person on the call. I was that person last week and I talked about my goals in real estate, becoming self-employed, and threw some ideas around with the guys. The rest of the call is around five minutes per person going over what's going on with their goals.

I need to focus on wholesale deals. Specifically I need to play the numbers game. My priority for the next month is to find vacant houses, contact the owner, and put an offer on the house. After 30 of these, one should accept. Once I get the system down, it's just a short matter of time till I go full-time.

I've also been thinking about writing a real estate book. I wouldn't do it right now cause I'd feel like a fraud since I don't have a huge real estate portfolio, but maybe a year or two down the road. This came about because I just got a new real estate course and noticed that the chapter on finding motivated sellers was about 5 pages. Almost all real estate books I have only have a few pages on finding motivated sellers but to me this is the most critical part of being successful at real estate, particularly in the beginning of your career. On Amazon I searched for "Motivated Sellers" and only two audio CDs came up, not one book. I'm amazed that no one has written a book called "How to Find Motivated Sellers". It needs to be done.

I need to create a Vision Board too and think what I actually want to spend my money on when I get it, and keep up motivation in general. I think I'll use the blog for now to mostly talk about my real estate exploits so if you haven't seen a new blog in a few days that means that something's wrong and I am probably being lazy. Do not let me get away with this.



At 12:49 AM, Blogger infiorno said...

Post a pic of your vision board when you make it! You have until the end of this week or else YOU WILL BURN IN 9-5 HELL


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