Monday, February 21, 2005

When you know you've grown up

I walked out today and was greeted by a bunch of shitty snow. I don't have major gripes with it per se, it's mainly a big inconvenience when I need to leave for work or find parking when I get home. Then I thought of that old saying that everyone says yet everyone thinks that they themselves made it up, that you know you're grown up once snow stops being fun. Since I haven't written a blog in a few days, I decided I'd do a little list of other major turning points when you realized that you're not a kid (and hence, life starts to suck kinda) anymore:

1. Snow stops being fun - as stated before. You don't play in it anymore. You're not greeted with hot chocolate and tiny marshmallows cause you don't live with mom anymore. You don't get 2-hour delays or snow days at work. Somewhere along the line it became silly to wear snow pants.
2. Saturday mornings - you don't watch cartoons anymore and you certainly don't wake up at 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays.
3. You say "hang out" instead of "play," as in "Hi Mr. Bolden, can Johnny come hang out?"
4. You stop kissing your parents and saying 'I love you' every night before bed.
5. You no longer plan and host sleepovers with friends. Instead, you have the messier and less fun 'drunken friend passes out in a pool of his own vomit mixed with miller lite on your couch.'
6. You don't talk to friends on the phone as much. I'm referencing calling your friends when you have nothing particularly to talk to them about (i.e. you just saw them an hour ago at school, it's not like they're in a different state), you just call and a stream of consciousness commences.
7. You don't have to put your chair up on your desk at the end of the school day.
8. You start having to change for gym class. (can you believe we used to go to gym in jeans?)
9. It becomes unacceptable to wear sweatpants to school.
10. You stop hating cops, or even if you get mad at them, you like when they're around your neighborhood so it stays cleaner/safer.
11. You HATE taxes.

Am I missing anything?


At 8:20 PM, Blogger infiorno said...

Since you are probably going to be off of work tommorow, how bout you do us all a favor and kill yourself! Oops, I meant to say 'write more entries'. Same thing.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger infiorno said...

When you know you've given up: you keep this entry up for 2 weeks. Did you have some sort of epiphany that I didn't hear about? Just write a small entry about something that isn't a big deal. It's like excercising, in the way that once you stay off of it for a while it's hard to start up again.

Haha, I'm so obnoxious with telling you to write again.


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