Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Perfect Day of Work?

It's rainy today. When it rains, I don't really feel like doing anything - I say "ahhh I don't wanna go to work, it's raining." On days like this I just want to lay down on my couch with a fleece blanket and watch TBS all day, while getting mad at how much they censor great movies beyond recognition. The irony is though that you should want to go to work on rainy days, since it's not sunny outside and you can't enjoy the weather so why not work.

Of course, when it's sunny out you say "ahhh I want to be outside! I don't want to work today." So when it's awesome out I don't want to go to work, and when it sucks out I don't want to go to work. That only leaves average days left. So I guess I feel like working on overcast dry days, or sunny days with a cold wind. Snow? Forget about it, that's a ticket to TBS *and* TNT all day. Maybe hope for a teen movie marathon.


At 12:16 AM, Blogger infiorno said...

It's funny that you have that entry today, because I was thinking about that very thought today.

During sophomore year of college the weather was pretty shitty all year, and I always used it as an excuse to not work, but then robby g called me out because I had a ton of excuses when it was sunny, too.


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