Friday, March 04, 2005


This guy at work, 28 years old, married, completely a corporate guy etc, keeps leaving early or coming in late. This is not normal for him, he's a hard worker (ew) stay late hours (ewww) type. He's been sick, had doctor's appointments, gotten stuck in traffic, had family parties, etc. I strongly suspect that he plans on quitting and going on job interviews.

When I quit my previous job in October, I had to make up some stories. One day I had to leave early for an "allergist appointment." This was convincing because I sneeze and blow my nose constantly. Or at least I used to, now it's just a regular occurrence. Then one morning I called in late because I got stuck in traffic or something, but it turned out no one was there anyway for some strange reason. My last day of interviews coincided with our “Impact Day” where we’re supposed to do community service instead of work. Yeah I skipped that and said I went, sure I’m going to hell.

You feel so bad about lying about why you’re not coming in, but I guess you can’t really tell them the truth. It’s especially bad in a high job turnover industry like the one I was in. Now whenever someone leaves early or comes in late, I’m always suspicious that they’re really out interviewing for another job. People should really interview after work to make things easier.

Along this vein, I will be reviewing someone else’s thoughts on Slacking. I capitalize it because it is an important Subject and should be taught um...somewhere.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger infiorno said...

I don't get it - what do you mean you're reviewing someone else's slacking?


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