Monday, August 21, 2006

Dream Blog: Day 4

So I was kind of bummed this morning because I only remembered one short dream. I had trouble getting to sleep last night because I slept in the morning before, and I tried to have that laptop program running but the random reality checks scared me and jolted me awake sometimes. While I was in the shower this morning though I started to remember another dream, a long one. I was glad that I actually had some stuff to work with now.

I sent Erin Pavlina an email this morning asking her if she always lucid dreams or if she has regular dreams too, to which she responded: Most of my dreams are non-lucid. When I go lucid I sometimes feel like I've been "up all night" and sometimes I just want to rest. Plus I like for my subconscious to get a shot at me. If I fight crime all night flying around and killing the bad guys then I don't always get messages from my subconscious. :)

I didn't see anything in the dreams that were blatant violations of reality checks, although there were unusual things like Shannon's son's age and being on a roller coaster subway. I need to get some reality checky type stuff in my dreams so that I hopefully notice and realize what's going on. Here's my daily summary:

I’m getting on the subway in Philly and I see this 30-ish homeless guy getting on each train, which looks more like a roller coaster that comes out of the ground and you can see the city skyline in the background. He sits next to me and tries to touch me and joke around but I give him a scowl and pull away. The guy gets offended and claims he owns all sorts of cars and stuff.

I’m at some party in a college type setting. I live in the house I think and it’s very open with hardwood floors. There aren’t that many people there, it seems like a bust. I ride a bicycle around and then I leave the house to go talk to someone or get someone. While I’m riding on the sidewalk there’s a group of big guys sitting around talking to each other and blocking the sidewalk. I quickly ride through and say ‘excuse me’ and one guy reluctantly moves and they seem pissed. After I do whatever it is I wanted to do, I come back to the house and as I get back a few girls that I recognized came in to say that some guys were mad at me. I explained the situation and the girls calmed down. The party now had more people in it and I went upstairs. This guy John from my work was there, apparently he lived there and he was changing the diaper of his baby son. We talked a little and I went back downstairs. My cousin Shannon came in with her son, who looked about 5 years old and looked just like her but with short blond hair.


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