Friday, August 25, 2006

Dream Blog: Day 8

I'm in a bit of a dream slump it seems. I can only remember a tiny bit of one, where I walk upstairs into a restaurant, and I think my friend Shawn is at the host stand. He brings me over to a table in the middle of the room and there are many people around. I don't remember who they are or what else happened, but I believe it was lively.

This is the third dream since that start of this dream blog that have involved restaurants/tables in the middle of the room. The first was from the first day when I pushed John Locke in a wheelchair to an empty table, the second was when those people were chasing me around that room full of tables and the maitre d' threw 'Ask and it is Given' at me, and now this. I just googled "dream symbols - table" and this is what came up: Delaying an idea or decision, tabling it. Hmmmmmm.

Let's work with that for a sec. I do have feelings of procrastination, particularly in regards to my budding real estate career. Let's take the analysis a step forward now. In my dream with all the tables and the waiter chasing me, he was chucking the book at me so he probably wanted me to read it. I wish I would have stopped running, picked it up, and asked him about it. So maybe I should finish that book and follow its advice. Also in my dream where we quit work and ran away, I ran down a narrow curvy bridge over an ocean and it scared me. So maybe all this is criticizing me not taking enough action or something.

I just checked another site and this is what came up: The table stands for your responsibilities and obligations at work. Looking at an empty table is a signal that you need to take care of your family and house. Holy crap!

Hopefully I'll be able to sleep long hours this weekend so I can get to the bottom of some of these dreams, and hopefully get some hot lucidity action while I'm at it.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger infiorno said...

After page 150 of ask and it is given (meaning the second half), it is all advice for certain situations. Like, each chapter is a specific technique for raising your energy - like making more money, meditating, etc.

Although the book doesn't recommend it, you can jump around by reading the first page of each chapter and deciding if you want to read that or not. So it's pretty easy to get some immediate use out of it.


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