Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dream Blog: Day 34

Wow, 34 days is a long time. Here's to the lucid coming soon:

On a vacation with the family and Gilly. I'm in the back bathroom, it's like at Grandma’s Kinneybrook house. Gilly is showering behind Mike and I get mad at them. She’s like ‘What? It’s ok’ and I’m like yeah right you guys are definitely looking at each other and they sneak peaks. I leave, it’s really cloudy outside. I decide to walk to a different beach on my own, I see a no door jeep coming with the parents and Mike, they’re gonna go left so I go right but they follow me. I go up a road that’s surrounded on all sides by corn, as they come up I jump into the corn. Mike tries to follow me but I jump out and surprise them in a laughing way.


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