Dream Blog: Day 29
I'm in my room, different room though, possible at the Oxford Ave house. A small black bird flies in a hole in the wall/window. I try to get it out. I drive around Oxford Circle afterwards, don't really remember what happens here.
I crash/land on an island in one of those small planes, I guess with Dave. We're trying to get to the endzone, it's like a video game. Sort of a cross between Final Fantasy and Madden, Dave's on offense I'm on defense, and our players look mystical, a lot of them like V from V for Vendetta. Instead of being on the island now we're playing the game on a TV. I beat Dave on several plays and I'm very confident I'll beat him on the last play, I use the Fox Blitz play but Dave wins. I get confused and I watch the replay to see what happened. Turns out my players that were blitzing got hit by Dave's players and ran out of hit points and died. I told him that it wasn't fair, that I should have won if I would have took the time to heal my players and he disagreed with me.
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