Monday, July 18, 2005


Sometimes when I'm in my boss' office and he is explaining something to me/telling me to do something, I look at his window and envision jumping right through it. Up until today I thought that I envisioned this because I thought it'd be funny to see what his reaction would be to see me randomly jump out the window. But today as he babbled on and I was envisioning away I realized that it's not just to imagine his awkwardness in such a situation but the fact is that work really does make me want to jump out a window, or at least makes me want to fantasize about it.

This especially happens when I'm in his office, being really bored, and someone else equally or more boring than my boss comes in and they start talking about something work related. I'm ignored for 10 minutes or so, I'm usually standing, and I can't help but just picturing jumping backward right through that window. I don't get hurt in these dreams, I just want OUT. Then again it could just be symbolic of tedious work life doing the killing on me. I need to get out of the rat race!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Invention: Choose your own Adventure

Remember those books where at a certain point in the story, you came to a crossroads and it would say "If you'd like to stab the Mexican, turn to page 23. If you leave him be but steal his tequila, turn to page 38"? Well I think it would be cool to have a cartoon version of this, but with actual controls where you can choose with your remote control somehow. It would have to be hooked into On Demand somehow maybe.

My vision is to have several different recurring characters/different stories. One day may be a super futuristic star wars type episode, and then there could be like a teenage girl comedy/drama, and another day a medieval type fantasy, etc etc. Just before the commercial break, the screen freezes and it gives you two (or more) options. Will Jen, the awkward teen, go on the date with wholesome Charlie or Jake the badass? Should our medieval adventurers storm the castle walls or sneak in as a troupe of acrobats? A new decision and possibility before every commercial break.

Here are some upsides to this. For one, there is obvious replay value. You can watch the same episode 15 times and get a different story every time. The different stories also make it interesting, rather than just having one storyline throughout the whole series. Also for fun there could be a crossover between 'worlds,' maybe the futuristic space people go back in time and have to team up with the adventurers. Or they have to go on a date with Jen or whatever.

The obvious problem would be the technology to do it. I think On Demand should have the capabilities, since you surf through guides and stuff with your remote. And it would need another name besides Choose your Own Adventure since that's taken. The aforementioned story lines are just examples, not meant to be definite or restricted to those genres etc etc. Comment now.